May 28, 2019

A call to pray and seek...

As many of you know, the culture today is teaching the young among us so many things that are in opposition to scripture.  Marriage is under attack.  Relationships can be causal and do not require commitment.  Gender identity is in flux.  Alcohol and drugs are acceptable to be used for recreation.  And so many other things are being instilled by the world.  My fellow believers, as those who make up church of Christ Jesus, we are called to combat this misinformation. 

So, how can you help?  Pray and seek!  Pray for children and youth to attend a local church.  Pray that God speaks to the heart of each child and youth.  Pray that the truth of Scripture counters the falsehood preached by the culture.  Pray that each child and youth comes to a saving knowledge of Christ.  Seek for opportunities to serve in the children and youth ministry in your local church.  Seek for any occasion to invest in the young with whom you have influence.

Brothers and sisters, if we pray for and invest in the children and youth among us, then they will become strong believers and cultural influencers for the cause of Christ.