“… we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” Romans
It sometimes seems as if we live in a
world where the secular culture reigns.
The morality and values once held by the majority seems to have been
relegated to the minority. On so many
issues, it appears as if the church has not only lost the battle but has lost
the war too. One such current issue
which pits the church against cultural trends is the issue of
homosexuality. The culture is saying that
all should accept the choices of two consenting adults as it pertain to the
institution of marriage. In contrast,
the scripture clearly defines marriage as an institution created by God which
is to be entered into by a man and a woman.
So what are we to say? What are
we did do? Is the battle over? Has the church lost on this issue? It is easy to fill defeated when we look at
the culture and the world around us. It
seems much simpler to just hunker down and ride out the storm. But is this the answer? Is this response which should be given by
Christians? I am convinced that the
Bible tell Christians to live as victorious conquerors. My brothers and sisters, we must live out the
words of scripture. We must live out the
victorious life for others to see.
Over the past year, the youth
department at our church has been piecing together the picture of a person with a Christian
worldview. We have been searching the
scriptures so that we may become informed Christians that think like informed
Christians. Over and over again, we have
come to see during this study that what we feel and believe is often in
error. It is my desire that the youth
and each one of us learn of the victory we have in Christ and daily put into
practice this reality.
It is my call to you ALL to
live with a certainty that we as individuals and the church as a whole has
been, is, and will forever be victorious over the ways of this fallen world.